Hey guys,  HAPPY MONDAY! 

So its the start of the week, a time to start fresh and forgive yourself for all the not too healthy food consumed over the weekend and the one too many shots of tequila you shouldn't of had...
Are you lying in bed looking at fitspo on Instagram wishing you didn't feel so bloated and puffy?

Well.. never to fear..Im here to give you some tips and tricks on how you can take little steps to living a healthier lifestyle and becoming more fit :)Today... lets talk about ABS!!!!
Quick disclaimer... this isn't some article on how to get six pack abs in 7 days... those don't work.

We all know the 'key' to looking somewhat fit is to have a nice toned stomach, so lets talk about how to do that

1. Firstly, after a big weekend of eating and drinking, start the week off by drinking LOTS of water - lets say around 2-3L. Drinking water helps to reduce water retention in the body and get rid of toxins. So say goodbye to bloating! Water retention can weigh about 2-4 kgs, so once thats gone, you'll start to feel a little lighter and see your stomach go down a little :P

2. Enough abdominal exercises, they really don't do much contrary to what you may think. Core strength is super important for our posture and being able to function everyday. If you can't hit up the gym, hit up a home workout that focuses on compound movements ( movements that work more then one muscle) . An example of a compound movement is SQUATS! Squats use a lot of energy to use your quads, hamstrings, calf muscles, lower back and CORE muscles. The coordination and strength to be able to do this movement correctly is all core focused. Another example could be push ups or if your in the gym, try deadlifts! And no ladies, lifting weights does NOT MAKE YOU BULKY! Our hormones and body make simply doesn't allow it :) Check out the video below to learn how to do a proper squat.

How to do a perfect squat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXJzj9K3sxU

3. Reducing body fat...
The struggle is real girls, trust me I know.. But to get a toned core , you need to aim to reduce body fat. Now were not talking about super lean fitness competitor lean, thats not a healthy and maintainable body especially for womens hormones. But a reasonable amount so you can see some definition in your stomach! To do this, start going for a walk 2-3 times a week. This is a great idea as it has many health benefits and it also gives you gals a chance to wear that new gym outfit you've got sitting in your wardrobe. Perhaps a nice walk on the beach on the weekends. Aim for about 30 mins at a steady pace :)

4. And lastly, ABS are made in the kitchen. yes it is true.
You can't out exercise a bad diet unfortunately. Try preparing your lunches during the week instead of buying on the go each day. this can save a lot of money and turn out to be a healthier option for you too!  You can look below to see an example of what I would eat in a day to maintain my health and weight. However ladies, this should just be an idea for meals. You can see how I try to eat healthy sources of carbs and lots of protein. This is because it keeps you fuller for longer and you have WAY more energy. DO let yourself enjoy a meal out with your friends or family over the weekend, perhaps you can try to choose a healthier option.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with protein powder, strawberries and cinnamon
Lunch: Brown rice, grilled chicken breast and a greek salad
Afternoon snack- 2x cans of tune, 4 rice cakes and avocado
Dinner- Tonight Im going to create a healthy Chilli Con Carne
Desert ( I always always have desert, this is my usual go to) - Sugar free Jelly, Vanilla Yoghurt, blueberries and 2 squares of dark chocolate.

Love Alison, your fitness guru :)


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